3/52: SMILE

The prompt for this week was simply “smile”. To think about something that makes you happy and capture that moment.

It could be: Your sweet puppy dog. The way the light shines through leaves right before it sets. Your child’s giggles echoing through the house. The way someone has said I love you. The scrumptious dinner you’ve had recently. Friends who get you. Breath. Sunshine. Life.

Whatever it is that makes you happy, we had to capture ourselves in the bliss of it.

This is me, thrilled with a haircut. Outwardly, that may seem superficial, but it’s more than that, it’s what the haircut represents. It makes me feel fresh and new and reflects the change I’ve felt within myself recently.

A big change. A hello-here-I-am change. A change that’s subtle to the observer, but on the inside I feel cracked wide open, as thought I’ve finally fallen into myself. The me I’ve always meant to be.

She’s always been close - this version of me - and yet often just out of reach. Like I’m barely a few steps behind. Close enough to feel and know and imagine, but never exactly fully a part of me.

But now, she’s here, integrated and ready. And so, to showcase what I feel on the inside, here’s a big change on the outside.

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